Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Is He With Us In Our Impurity?

The way to merit a positive judgement on the high holy days is to realize that despite all of your failings, the light of Hashem still resides within you. אני ה' השוכן אתם בתוך טומאתם - I am G-d who dwells with you in your impurity [Vayikra 26/44]. Both on a national and personal level we must realize that NOTHING can make Hashem disappear from our lives because we are part of Him and He is part of us [kviyachol]. לא הביט און בישראל ולא ראה עמל בישראל ה' אלקיו עמו  - If we realize that Hashem is part of us then He won't look at our sins. The whole purpose of being here on earth is to bring Hashem into our lives. If after sinning we realize that He is STILL HERE, then we have sweetened the strict judgement [המתקת הדינים] and created a new reality for ourselves.

אם אסק שמים שם אתה ואציע שאול הנך - If I go up to the heavens you are there and if I go down to the depths you are there, too [Tehillim 139/8].

Reconnect and find forgiveness!:-)

[עי' רזי לי עמ' ד]

לזכות כל הנשמות האובדות בעם ישראל