Sunday, June 10, 2018

An Epidemic

Every so rarely, someone goes into a school and shoots up some students and teachers. This absolutely horrifies people AS IT SHOULD. But the truth is that there is little we can do to prevent such attacks and they happen very rarely. 

On the other hand, EVERY DAY approximately 123 people in the United States commit suicide - much much more than any school or public shooting. Why is more not being done to address this problem - like bringing it to people's attention, teaching about the warning signs, investing money to create programs and initiatives to solve the problem?

Think about it - all of those 123 people who kill themselves daily have family, friends co-workers etc. etc. That means that probably thousands of people are affected daily by a suicide that happened THAT DAY.

The Nazi's didn't just kill 6 million and torture countless others. The also caused untold, immeasurable psychological damage to the survivors and their descendents for all the generations [emotional issues are passed down from parents to children whether we like it or not]. These suicides are not only about the tragedy of a person who takes his own life but the suffering it inflicts upon those close to him.

On a spiritual plane  - suicide is a very serious sin. See here.  

[Obviously, those who kill themselves due to mental illness are often not responsible for their actions.]

Last week, two famous people [I never heard of them but it seems that millions have] committed suicide so people are talking about it. Let us hope that this will bring to a better future. 

One issue that must be explored is why in the United States, the most free and affluent society in WORLD HISTORY, there is such a high suicide rate.