Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Gilgulim - My Almost Bout With PTSD - Link

לע"נ הרב דוד צבי בן הרב יוסף 

There is a concept in kabala called "gilgulim" where someone is reincarnated and comes back to this world after dying with the same soul but a new body. Gilgulim aren't mentioned in the gemara [ועי' רש"ש ב"מ ק"ז!] but many great Rabbonim believed in it. 

Today, "gilgulim" has taken on a new meaning "gilgulei gemachim". A person borrows from one gemach to pay another and borrows from a third to pay a fourth etc. etc. until he ... dies of a heart attack or other stress related conditions. It is quite common. 

One of the reasons this is necessary is because it is accepted today in the Torah world in Eretz Yisrael that when children get married, they get an apartment. How is a kollel man supposed to buy 9 apartments [or half of an apartment] for all of his children. Are kollelim paying seven figure salaries?? But what is he going to do, "Shayna, sorry, I don't have the money. You will never get married. Hope you like being single." So fathers kill themselves [sometimes almost literally] to marry off their children. It is always the fathers. They go from door to door, from gemach to gemach, from anyone who will give them a few dollars to anyone who will give them a few dollars.

I have a friend who married off his first and has no way in the world to buy an apartment [I am not sure how he affords groceries since he learns in kollel and his wife doesn't work] but obligated himself to buy one for his first daughter - with a long line of children to follow. What is he going to do? My heart bleeds for him.

I remember sitting with a prospective father in law for my daughter who looked square at me and said "You give FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHEKELS and I will put in three hundred thousand." He has a good job. Even if I had a job - how on earth did he expect me to come up with a half a million shekel when I didn't know how I was going to pay rent? I almost suffered from PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder] from that experience. But those are the rules. Insane!

Some people, many people, promise and don't follow through. Some have no intention of following through while others mean to fulfill their promise but just can't. They knock on doors [often in Chutz La-aretz], they go from gemach to gemach, but just can't do it.

What do the gedolim say?? Are they in favor of obligating oneself with sums they have no way of repaying according to the natural order? 

Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkovitch ztz"l said NO WAY. Don't even lend such a person.
Rav Chaim Knievsky Shlita said that if one has no way of paying he may not borrow.
Rav Shteinman ztz"l said that since we see so many amazing stories about people marrying off children, he may borrow a "little bit" more than he can afford. See below. 

Does anyone allow one to borrow astronomical sums? No. But that - like minyanim on airplanes that so many big poskim forbid - continues to happen. It is not anyone's fault. It is the culture.  

 האם מותר ללוות כשאינו יודע מהיכן יחזיר השאלה הנוקבת על 'גלגלולי גמחים' האם מותר ללוות כשאינו יודע מהיכן יחזיר בתואנה שיסתדר בסוף ויהיה טוב? הורה הגרמ"י לפקוביץ זצ"ל [דרכי החיים חלק א' עמוד ק"א] לבעל גמ"ח ששאל למי לתת הלוואות שיתן לצרכי נישואין או לאלו שיש בידם דרך לפרוע אבל לאחד שמגלגל ללא אפשרות לפרוע אין לתת לו הלוואה והוא בגדר 'מכשול' עבורו. אם אתה מעוניין לעוזרו תאסוף בשבילו תרומות אך אין לתת לו הלואות מגמ"ח.
וכן הורה הגר"ח קניבסקי שליט"א שגם לנישואי ילדים אסור לקחת חובות על עצמו כשאינו יודע ברגע הלקיחה מהיכן יפרע אותם ואסור לסמוך על הנס. מאידך שאלו את הגראי"ל שטינמן שליט"א האם מוטל על האבא לגלגל גמחי"ם עבור נישואי הילדים וענה הגראי"ל שיקח חובות על עצמו והשי"ת יעזור דפרנסת בני התורה ובפרט נישואי הילדים הוא נס מעל לדרך הטבע והוסיף שיקח 'קצת יותר' ממה שיכול.