There is 70 percent intermarriage in the US. In some other countries it is worse. There are so few Jews to start with and we are losing more and more. Why should this bother me? I am living in Israel in a beautiful settlement with numerous shuls, well stocked batei medrash, and everything a religious Jew needs in order to live a full religious life. What do I lack?
Personally, nothing [well, I don't have wireless Internet but that is by choice...]. But what about HASHEM?? He wants Jews to remain Jewish and His will is not being fulfilled. And how many Jews are married to Jews and don't keep taharas hamishpacha, thus cutting themselves off from Hashem??!
We must be pained when our fellow Jews are so far. If another Jew isn't keeping Shabbos - either am I to a certain extent!!
Let us try to become more community oriented people. And not just our local community but the world wide Jewish community. To feel the pain of the souls that are so lost and to feel the צער השכינה.
Listen to the shiur that will soon be posted on Parshas Korach where we expand.