Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A New Idea Of Commanding Respect

The world just gets crazier.

Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman, recently posed בגילוי ערוה שלם for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition [which has little to do with swimsuits, וד"ל]. She was one of hundreds of women molested by team doctor, Larry Nassar who was recently sentenced to life in prison. She explained that she did it to demonstrate that women do not need to be modest in order to deserve respect.

She is Jewish and has the same first name as I do [how weird is THAT?]. She once said publicly that she is proud to represent not only the United States but also the Jewish people. Aly, you don't represent the Jewish people. You actually represent the erosion of values and much of human dignity in society. Yes, now people are REALLY going to respect you. Millions of millions of men saw you naked and lusted after you as an object of their sick fantasies. That really commands respect. AHHHHHHHHH! 

Hashem should send her a refuah shleima, teshuva shleima and Moshiach should come and redeem us from this CRAZZZZYYYYY galus.