Monday, October 22, 2018

Shuls Are Not For Babies

I see a lot of men who come to shul with babies. Why? Is shul a place for babies? Shul is for davening. We LOVE babies - but not in every place. So why do the men bring them? Obviously, because their wives are working and they have to take care of the baby. Helping one's wife is very praiseworthy. It says nowhere that a mother has to take care of the children 24/7.  But just like the wives can't bring their babies to work because that would prevent them from doing their job properly - so too, the babies prevent the men from davening properly. So why is work more important than davening?? And what about everyone else in shul who came to daven and has trouble concentrating because they are busy playing with their iphones of the babies?

So my suggestion? If you have a baby you must take care of - stay home. Let the baby play and daven at your own personal "kotel". Better - hire a babysitter and go to shul.