Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Secret Of Politics

Here it is: It is often not about truth or what is right but about political considerations. This is a bipartisan problem. It affects both Democrats and Republicans. 

On the left: I saw a debate from 2008 presidential race between Obama and Hillary. They were at each other's necks and the attacks were personal. Then when Hillary ran against Trump, Obama suddenly thought that she would make a GREAT President and campaigned on her behalf. When he wanted to be president, she was a lousy choice but when he was leaving office and the alternative was his beloved friend Donald - she became a superstar [in his words if I remember correctly - more worthy of office than both himself and her husband Bill]. 

Ahhhhhh - politics. 

On the right: During the 2018 election, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump were ARCH-ENEMIES. After Trump denigrated Heidi Cruz, the senator’s wife, and Trump claimed that Cruz’s father had a link to the assassination of John F Kennedy, Cruz’s finally unleashed an explicit condemnation of Trump with whom he had feuded for months.

The Texas senator responded with a diatribe against Trump, calling him “utterly amoral”, a “pathological liar”, “kooky”, a “serial philanderer”, a “bully”, a “narcissist at a level I don’t think this country has ever seen” and a “braggadocious, arrogant buffoon” who risked plunging America “into the abyss”.

Trump retorted on Twitter: “Wow, Lyin’ Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Made all sorts of crazy charges. Can’t function under pressure – not very presidential. Sad!”

Now - times have changed. They need each other. It is election time. They have to beat the Democrats. At a recent rally in Houston, Cruz introduced Trump, heaped praise on him, and enthusiastically endorsed him for President in 2020.  

Ahhhhhhh - politics.