Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Can Murder Be Justified?

 We are Jews!! How AWE-SOME is THAT??!!! SOOOOO!!!

As Jews, our perspective on morality is different than that of the rest of the world. For a non-Torah Jew, murder means shooting somebody between the eyes or the like. THANK G-D that in a civilized society, such an action is no longer acceptable behavior. But what about publicly humiliating another human being?? That is very much part of our public discourse. A Jew understands that to embarrass another person is tantamount to MURDER!!! The law is derived from the story of Yehuda and Tamar which is BEFORE the giving of the Torah [Sotah 10]. That means that this should apply to non-Jews as well.  

To be elected president, Trump publicly humiliated his opponents in front of the cameras and tens of millions of viewers. I wouldn't want to be him on his day of judgment. [Frankly, I would never want to be him, ever.] But it is not just Trump. I watched Obama [who is a far more dignified and intelligent person than Trump is] humiliate Hillary when they ran against each other. Hillary, in turn, humiliated Obama. I watched Obama humiliate Trump even before the Presidential race began. ברבים. That is murder. 

And it is not just the presidential race. In televised debates for governer, the candidates both clarify their own positions and dig up dirt about their opponents which they reveal to the world with glee. "LOOK AT HOW CROOKED AND UNETHICAL MY OPPONENT IS". The glee ends when their opponent fights fire with fire, insult with insult, defamation with defamation.

So let us remember that we don't believe in this. To humiliate another human being is to kill him. Even if elected, it is not worth it. How can one live his life and get a job on the spilled blood of another human being?? 

Of course, there are some facts that the public must know before voting a candidate into office. But the accepted rhetoric that is so common today among both parties has gone far beyond what should be permitted. We must make sure not to forget this because we risk being corrupted.