Monday, March 20, 2023

Alexander Dovid Dov Ben Necha Rochel

David Stern, an Israeli-American citizen and a former Marine, was wounded by a Palestinian terrorist who fired 18 bullets at him as David was driving in Samaria through Huwara with his wife and three children.

David, who was injured, managed to pull his pistol, fire back at the terrorist and hit him, and simultaneously stop his arterial bleeding and check on his family.

David and his family made Aliyah several years ago from Far Rockaway. Many locals know the family well, making the horrific story hit home even more.

David was last listed in critical condition and is in need of our Tefillos. His wife is asking us to keep him in our prayers.

Tehillim name is Alexander Dovid Dov Ben Necha Rochel. May we hear Besuros Tovos.