Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Vacationing Vered

My wife has a friend whom we will call Vered. Vered has a wonderful family, a very strong marriage, good health etc. etc. Or so it seems. Vered is always, but always, either on vacation or planning her next vacations. Travel, travel, travel. She lives in a beautiful spacious home but is either not there or she is planning to leave. It is not that she has so much money. In my estimation, she is not wealthy at all. [But of course I can't know for sure]. But somehow she finds a way to keep herself travelling. 

So my theory as an armchair psychologist is that she is missing something/s very deep in her soul and is trying to fill in her emptiness by going to yet another vacation spot. I can't be sure but otherwise why would she constantly be on the move?? 

Regardless - there is a lesson. You want to solve your problems? They are ALL found very locally. You don't have to go anywhere. They are found IN BETWEEN YOUR TWO EARS. So buying stuff, eating, being addicted to your phone etc. etc. all the things people do to fill the lacuna in their souls, is not going to solve any problem. The best place to travel is INSIDE and discover what you are missing and fill that in with something your soul really craves.