Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Rabbeim And Morahs

Torah Jews are going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on Pesach vacations this year. 

They are probably going to spend only a very minute a fraction of that to make sure that the Rabbeim and Morahs of their children will be able to comfortably celebrate the Yuntiv [unless they all read this or some miracle happens]. 

So please - these are incredibly idealistic people who insure that your children have meaning in life in this world and more importantly will experience eternal bliss in Olam Haba. Have them in mind  - and in "check".  They aren't going to be dropping tens of thousands on a Pesach program. Their "Pesach program" is at home and clothing for the children and food is EXPENSIIIIVEEEEEE. It is hard enough for them to make it with the daily expenses. Yuntiv is super hard. 

Brought to you by "The Torah".