Audio: The sugya of mekadesh b'sharai. A more expansive written article will appear soon bez"H!
Religious optimism.
Can we decipher reasons for tragedy?
He loved people....
In memory of a great rabbi and scholar you probably never heard of...
An M.A. thesis on the philosophical lomdus of the Rogochover ztz"l in the sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ztz"l. In order to write a really good paper on this topic one has to be a HUUUUUGEE lamdan and a HUUUUUGEEE philosopher. It is an extreme rarity to find one person who is both. In general I find that when the world of academia discusses lomdus they are eating soup with a fork וד"ל. But good marei mekomos:-).
The merging of the Chasidic Rebbe and the lamdan in the chidushim of Sfas Emes on Shas. I don't agree with every point he made but nevertheless a GREAT article.