On a more personal note.....
Well - it's official. My daughter has sewn her wedding gown. It is beautiful.
Now all we need are two things and we are SET!
We need a chosson. She is ready to be a kallah but what is a kallah without a chosson?!
Also, her father needs money to marry her off. He has close to zero with no income. He learns in a kollel that doesn't pay. Well, actually, it pays infinitely and eternally, just not with dollars. [He is the only member of the kollel. This zman the kollel is learning Kiddushin and Yoma:-)]. But you can't pay for a wedding and after with dapim of gemara. I would sing professionally but they compare me to Shwekey. They say "He is no Shwekey".
So I ask my sweetest friends to daven for Gila Shoshana bas Necha Gittel that she should find her zivug b'karov and b'shaah tova. And for her father, Elchanan ben Henna Miriam, that he should have the means to marry her off without stress, heartache, loans he can't return, sleepless nights etc. etc. Everything with nachas and simcha. And while Hashem is giving me money for my daughter he should add so that I can continue feeding my other children and their mother..... Hunger is a scary thought:-).
May the daveners be blessed with their own simcha and prosperity....
Given the state of financial depletion in which I continuously find myself - I take great solace in this Torah. Wow!! Tracht gut vet zein gut - Think well and it will be well:-)!!
Bi-ahava rabba vi-yirbu smachot b-yisrael,