Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Shady Teirutz??

The Mishna at the beginning of Sukkah brings a מחלוקת. The Tanna Kamma says that a Sukkah higher than 20 amos is פסול while R' Yehudah is מכשיר. Then it says that it may not be more sun than shade - חמתה מרובה מצלתה. The Ritva [and Ran] assert that R' Yehuda doesn't argue on the second point. But if it is higher than 20 the place of the Sukkah will have more sun than shade [because the schach is so high up], so how can R' Yehuda be מכשיר? 

Answers the HOLY Ritva [and the Ran says the same idea]:

"והא ודאי אפי' לרבי יהודה היא לכולי עלמא דלא פליג אלא ברישא בלחוד. וכי תימא והא רבי יהודה לא בעי צל סכך מדקא מכשיר למעלה מעשרים אמה דליכא צל סכך אלא צל דפנות כדאיתא בגמרא י"ל דנהי דלא בעי רבי יהודה שיהא הסכך עושה צל כמות שהוא עכשיו, מ"מ בעי שיהא ראוי להסך ולעשות צל דבלאו הכי לא מיקרי סכך כלל כיון דקליש כולי האי דלא חזי למעבד צל וזה נכון.

Peirush - The schach doesn't have to actually make shade in the Sukkah but it must be enough to do so. If it is higher than 20 amos it will not make shade in the Sukkah but it could theoretically [if it was lower] and that is sufficient according to R' Yehuda.

Question: On דף כ"ב it says that if in the place of the schach it is not חמתה מרובה מצלתה but down below it is then it is not kosher. Why not?? According to R' Yehuda we shouldn't care what it looks like on the ground as long as there is enough schach above?? 

I don't have an answer and am really struggling with this. Please help.