Thursday, October 3, 2019

Parkinson's And Experts

I read a bio of a doctor I know where it said that he is an "expert" in Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's is a horrible disease. Baruch Hashem we have experts!!

The problem is that "experts" don't necessarily cure the disease. There are one million people in the US who have this dreadful disease. Where are the experts? I know people who have the disease. They just seem to be getting worse and worse - AFTER they went to the experts.

So here is my point: Modern medicine is WONDERFUL!!! Doctors? Many of them are WONDERFUL!! Some of my BEST FRIENDS are doctors. My father in law was a doctor - until the malach hamaves cut his career short. [He is now a TOP DOCTOR in the עולם שכולו טוב. For better or for worse, business is slow these days].

But doctors have limits. They haven't found a cure to the disease of all diseases - death [although in their merit, life expectancy has risen considerably]. They haven't found a cure to many other diseases. Hospitals all over the world are FILLED with suffering people. Some get better but many others don't and die. Those who do get better - it is just a matter of tie until the same or another disease will get them. Or the ravages of old age. NOBODY is free of that. Take ALLLLL the vitamins you want, exercise daily - it won't change things. Life is a process of slow death. 

We Jews have a belief. Sickness and death are caused by sin. When we are cleansed of sin - we will be cleansed of death and disease. We must internalize this. 

"ולבבו יבין ושב ורפא לו". [ישעיהו ו' י'].