Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Muktza Wet Garment

The Mishna Brura says [308-63] that a garment that was sopping wet בין השמשות is muktza all of Shabbos. the reason is that since בין השמשות we are afraid one might come to squeeze out the water [which is אסור], it is muktza. And since it is muktza בין השמשות, it is muktza all Shabbos.

The question is that it is permitted to move a garment that was made wet by ten people because they will remind each other not to squeeze it out [Shabbos 147a, Magen Avraham 308-58] and the Eliyahu Rabba [308] says that even 2 people may move it. So it turns out that that garment NEVER BECAME MUKTZA because there is always a heter to carry it with multiple people!!!