Sunday, October 27, 2019

HaGaon Rav Shaul Alter Shlita

There is a Yiddish expression [or so claims Malcom Gladwell...] that to a worm in horseradish, the whole world is horseradish. 

When a person has no השגות, no concept, of religious zealousness, when they see this trait in others they attribute it to other things, such as a desire for power or money. 

There is ZERO doubt in my mind that the Rosh Yeshiva of Sfas Emes in interested in but one thing - Kavod Shomayim. He is a Gaon Olam who doesn't need more kavod or money. But the פרוסטע journalists can only see power and money. To make Machlokes Shelo lishem Shomayim is an איסור דאורייתא. I cannot believe that he is wantonly transgressing a דאורייתא and breaking apart a Chasidus because he is a megalomaniac ח"ו. It is a חיוב דאורייתא to judge him [and every Talmid Chochom] לכף זכות unless there is incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.  I am not taking sides. Just rejecting the small mindedness of spiritual midgets trying to understand people who function in a completely different stratosphere. 

There have been rabbis who were engaged in power struggles or who pursued money [people are people...] but we are obligated to judge favorably unless proven otherwise.