Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Finding And Losing Hashem

In Israel, when a religious person becomes secular, he is called a "chozer bi-sheelah". This is a misnomer. It assumes that a chozer bi-tshuva is someone who has found the answers, so a chozer bi-sheelah is someone who has questions. This is misleading. Religious people have questions too. Open up a Gemara, maybe the most central Jewish text. EVERY PAGE has questions - which are not always answered. These questions [and the answers when offered] lead later sources to ask MILLIONS of new questions. We have questions but don't stop believing or keeping mitzvos because of our questions, as do "chozrim bi-sheelah". [Teshuva in this context means "return" (i.e. to Hashem) and not answers]. 

Another reason this is a misnomer is that many people don't stop keeping mitzvos and believing because of questions. It is often because of deeper emotional issues as is well known. Show me a religious person who went off the derech who was perfectly happy and fulfilled but then read about evolution and stopped keeping mitzvos. Maybe such a person exists but I have never met or read about one. There is always emotional baggage involved. Not to say that people who go OTD don't have questions but that is usually not, if ever, the only reason.  

A few months ago, a well known Breslover chozer bi-tshuva did an about face, announced that he is leaving Hashem, religion, his wife and their children. Bye-bye!! This man, who gave so many talks convincing others to be better Jews, leaves the fold. It was [and still is] a cause celebre in the Israeli press.

He said that he had questions. But NOW he has found the answers!!!:-)!! He has moved in with his new girlfriend in Tel Aviv, decades younger than he [him?]. Now the mystery and secret of the universe has been solved!! All one has to do is stop keeping mitzvos and shack up with an young attractive woman and everything becomes clear!!! What a truth seeker!! What an effective method!! Leave your wife after 20 plus years of marriage. Make your children fatherless [on a day to day basis]. Cut off your peyos. Drive on Shabbos. Eat unkosher. That will really reveal the truth... [Note: He is also VERY bitter and unjustifiably besmirched hundreds of thousands of good Jews].

I enjoy quoting Dr. AJ Heschel: When man abandons G-d, G-d is not alone. Man is.