Thursday, October 3, 2019

Someone Is Paying

I saw an ad "You shouldn't have to pay to pray. Come pray with us for free!!". SOUNDS GREAT!!! Instead of dropping hundreds of dollars on seating, you can daven for free and use the money for important things like Succos family outings to Six Flags [this is not a knock on family outings - or Six Flags for that matter]!! 

But it is misleading and also an unfair implied criticism of shuls that do charge [like just about all of them]. 

The Democrats promise: FREE health care!!! FREE education!!!


NOTHING [with a few notable exceptions such as breathing] is FREE. The question is - who is paying? But SOMEONE is paying. [In this case - the rich will pay for the poor. Maybe you think that that such an arrangement is justified but don't tell me that it's free]. 

If you don't pay for your seat in the shul [which covers the shul's expenses throughout the year] then SOMEONE ELSE is going to pay. The shuls that advertise free seating are really saying "Why pay yourself for our space and services [תרתי משמע], when someone else will pay for it on your behalf?" 

That is not the Jewish way. שונא מתנות יחיה. You benefited and it cost the shul money? Reimburse the shul for your benefit [if you can]. To pay is to not be a freeloader!!!!