Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Reason For Hair Covering

On this note: I read a paper that came out from a graduate student in the aforementioned university. The topic was women covering their hair. The premise was that it is not at all about tzniyus. It is actually another way MEN exert CONTROL over women. We [men] just want control. We can't allow women to choose how to get dressed. We must make them [women] subordinate to us [men]. 

Firstly, this is Kefirah and Apikorsus

But put the Kefirah and Olam Haba of the writer aside. 

There is another issue: It is a HORRIBLE feeling to go through life thinking that men just want to control women.  Over 95 percent of all women want a fulfilling relationship with a man [approximately 4.5 percent have other inclinations]. But how can one fully enjoy the relationship when believing that he just wants to put me down and not allow me full expression because of his need for power? 

I have some news!!:-) A] Many women actually try very hard to control the males in their lives. I refer to controlling mothers and spouses etc. Men don't have a monopoly on being control freaks. B] Many men don't want to control women!! Especially if these women have nothing to do with them. Some men might want some degree of control over their wives but why should they care about controlling other people's wives?? 

I don't believe that Chazal's motivation was a desire to keep women submissive. They really felt that covering hair was an act of modesty. Hair is attractive. That is why females spend so much time and energy on their hair. If one can't just accept Chazal at face value but instead attribute to them sinister intentions then Judaism is חס ושלום over. [BTW - A simple reading of the Gemara indicates that the source for hair covering is not Chazal but the Torah]. 

In this article numerous women were interviewed who covered their hair but hate it. Message: Men are forcing women to suffer. 

I don't deny that there are women who don't want to cover their hair. But in my life, 48 years [!!!] I have never once heard a women complain or express negativity about having to cover her hair. My wife has her hair covered 24/7 [with short breaks to put on a different snood] and wouldn't have it any other way. There are plenty of women like this. My mother. My daughter. [My little unmarried daughters enjoy covering their hair and pretending they are mommies]. And countless more.  Women who don't want to cover their hair - don't. Free country. 

The point of the academic article was clearly tendentious - to attack an ancient halachic practice under the guise of scholastic impartiality and detachment.