Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Shidduch - Boinie Sanduhs And Ilhan Omar

Nikki Haley zugt: 

Just when you thought Bernie Sanders couldn’t get any more radical, he outdid himself. He wants to take money we give to Israel to defend itself from terrorists, and give it to Gaza, which is run by terrorists?? Unreal. Why isn’t every other Dem pres candidate saying he’s wrong?

Well said Nikki!! [BTW - She was born of the Sikh, Indian faith. Now she identifies as a Christian. But that didn't stop her from naming her daughter "Rena" [!!]] 

And what does that renegade Jew himself say?? 

This Sunday, join @IlhanMN and I at our rally in Minneapolis! Help us show Trump and the rest of the billionaire class that we're ready to take on their corruption and create a nation based on justice. RSVP here.... 

Cute couple. Mazel tov. 

Anyway - it is amazing how many Goyim are far more Pro Israel and Pro Jewish than Boinie.

"מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו"