Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Freedom Of Religion

What the media is doing is combing through the beliefs and practices of the religious group of which Amy Coney Barrett is a member and showing how they are NOT compatible with contemporary liberal beliefs which should disqualify her as being a Supreme Court Justice. 

If that is the approach then no person who believes in ANY religion can ever be elected to public office. There is no religion that is compatible with contemporary liberal western belief and practice. 

That is a problem. Most American's aren't atheists. According to the latest poll I saw, only 4 percent of Americans proclaim to be atheist and another five percent agnostic. This means that over 90 percent of Americans are disqualified b/c their religion believes that, for example, homosexuality and abortion are wrong. Or that people who don't believe as they do are sinful. 

It is important to note that every single President has been a believer in G-d . NO President has ever identified as an atheist.  Even Biden and Harris claim to be religious people. 

In America there is freedom of religion and it is forbidden to discriminate on the basis of religion. 

It should stay that way.