People like to complain.
A waiter approaches a table where two yentas are sitting and says "is anything OK"?
People complain about Trump, about Cuomo, about DeBlasio etc. etc.. In Israel, about Netanyahu, about Kupat Cholim, about LOTS of things. Things are TERRIBLE! [they say].
"Grunia" was the sister of Rav Meir Chodosh ztz"l. She lived under Communist rule for many decades. She once wrote in a letter that she didn't have an apartment to live in. The Communists, who used to intercept and read mail, didn't like it. They said that it was subversive to the cause. So she was sent to a Siberian labor camp for TEN YEARS [!!!!].
Fortunately, Stalin ימ"ש died five years into her sentence so she and many other innocent prisoners were freed.
Historical perspective.
PS - In all of her years under the Communists she never ate unkosher and managed to somehow keep Shabbos and Jewish holidays and to daven. Her daughters, sadly, left home and left the faith. At least one of them came back B"H.