Imagine a world: No more Pesach programs, no more Orlando, no more going up to the mountains in the summer, no more pro sports, no more owning multiple homes - just one home in Israel [that means giving up one's home anywhere else!!], no more smoking weed during a Sunday afternoon barbeque, no being involved in investments in the stock market, bitcoin, real estate or anything else, etc. etc. etc. None of most of the stuff that really makes life FUN - like speaking lashon hara and coming really late to shul.
Sounds like a nightmare? Sounds like a world where all real pleasure is denied??
The Rambam says that when the Geulah comes all that man will do to the exclusion of all else is try to understand Hashem and His teachings. לא יהיה עסק העולם אלא לדעת את השם בלבד.
Do we REALLY want Geulah? If we are honest with ourselves, then the answer for many is ...... [however, we DO want the nine days to be over b/c it can get really annoying....]
If [you are a Tzadik] the answer is YES - WE WANT MOSHIACH NOW, well then how much of our time is spent on activities that have NOTHING to do with לדעת את השם??? [I am not referring to earning a living and taking care of basic physical needs].
Rav Moshe wrote in a teshuva that in our culture the prevailing attitude is that life is about having a "גוד טיים". That would be the case today multiplied exponentially given the endless "good times" that modern society offers us.
But there is a SOLUTION!!! The more we connect to our Source - the more we will yearn for the Geulah!!!