Monday, August 1, 2022

Role Models

Years ago, after the tragic [??] untimely [or maybe it was about time ???馃槈] passing of Muhammed Ali [shout out to Billy Crystal for his geshmake hesped!!!], President Barack Hussein [!!!] Obama posted a clip that his people publicized, where he spoke of how Ali had been a hero of his since his youth and other inspiring platitudes. 

What was Ali famous for? What was his talent and expertise?? 

He could and would punch people REALLY hard, often in the face, until they fell down and couldn't get up. 

WOOOOOOWWWW!!!! So special. He could really hurt other people to the delight of millions of bloodthirsty fans. "DID YOU SEE THAT RIGHT UPPERCUT???!!! MAAAA-AAAANNNN!!! LOOK AT THAT BLOOD FLOW FROM HIS NOSE!!!!!! KILL HIM!!!!"  

Also, Ali was a poet and "philosopher" of no small repute. His most famous creation: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can't hit what the eyes can't see.” Another classic line: "I wrestled with an alligator, I tussled with a whale, I handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail, I'm bad man....Last week I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick. I'm so mean I make medicine sick". How about "It's hard to be humble when you're as great as I am." "I'm a poet, I'm a prophet, I'm the resurrector, I'm the savior of the boxing world. If it wasn't for me, the game would be dead." "I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark."

Deep and inspiring!!!  馃槀馃槀馃槀

This gave me insight into Barack. He is an intellectual. He was a Professor of Law. He was not a bad speaker at all. But his hero was Muhammed Ali. 

诪ַ爪ְ专ֵ֣祝 诇ַ֭讻ֶּ住ֶ祝 讜ְ讻֣讜ּ专 诇ַ讝ָּ讛ָ֑讘 讜ְ֝讗ִ֗讬砖ׁ 诇ְ驻ִ֣讬 诪ַ讛ֲ诇ָ诇ֽ讜ֹ 

The crucible is for silver, and the furnace for gold; but man is according to his praise. [Mishlei 27-21]

Rabbeinu Yonah: Do you want to know who a person is? See whom he praises. Man is according to his praise!!

What we need for ourselves and our children are the right heroes and role models. Even the religious media often presents people as role models when in fact there are others who are far more fitting for the position. 

 Not athletes, not entertainers, not people with a lot of money in the bank and invested, not famous people etc. etc. but people who have three qualities that are one. 

The middah of being GOOD. A] INTRINSICALLY GOOD on their own. B] GOOD to other human beings. C] GOOD to Hashem.  

We spoke about this in our Maharal shiurim on Avos. Hopefully we will return to the topic.