Thursday, August 11, 2022

Going Up The Mountain

 American Jewish conservative political commentator and columnist Ben Shapiro at the Temple Mount on July 24, 2022. Photo by Michael Miller. 

Going up to Har HaBayis has become the THING!! 

I am not here to judge people. Hashem is the Judge and I don't get paid a judge's salary so it is not worth my while.... 

But I will say this: Whether one who goes up there gets close to Hashem is subject to debate. Many if not most poskim forbid it. [Popular political pundits don't qualify as poskim.] 

If one wants to be close to Hashem he should be merciful and kind. מה הוא אף אתה. Chazal say that Hachnasas Orchim is greater than receiving the שכינה. Hachnasas Orchim is EMULATING the שכינה. That is greater than serving and receiving the שכינה!!

So when you give Tzdaka, open up your home to guests, give somebody a ride on a hot or cold [or any] day - that is worth far more than going up to Har HaBayis. We will know for sure that Hashem wants us there when he sends us Moshiach....  

I am reminded of the words of tehillim:

נְקִ֥י כַפַּ֗יִם וּֽבַר־לֵ֫בָ֥ב אֲשֶׁ֤ר ׀ לֹא־נָשָׂ֣א לַשָּׁ֣וְא נַפְשִׁ֑י וְלֹ֖א נִשְׁבַּ֣ע לְמִרְמָֽה׃ 

 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who has not taken a false oath by life
or sworn deceitfully.