Thursday, August 11, 2022

Kavod Zkeinim

 A great vort I heard in the name of Rav Elisha Vishletzky [who by the way was makpid to try never to say the word "I"!!!! I once heard him say it but not before he APOLOGIZED!!!!]: 

In our wedding invitations the names of the chosson and kallah are written in BIG FANCY LETTERS. Beneath them are the names of the parents in smaller font. And then either on the facing page or all the way on the bottom are the names of the grandparents. 

It SHOULD be that the grandparents names are printed in the biggest font. Then the names of the parents. Then in small letters the names of the chosson and kallah. With all due respect to chosson and kallah - they are just kids!!! The elders are the one's who deserve the respect!!! 

I understand the other side [this is their SPECIAL DAY!!!! חתן דומה למלך!!!!!] - but the "derher" is a good one!!!