Regarding this shiur which has already received thousands of comments in my inbox [actually it hasn't but if you tell an untruth and you make it clear that it is not true then you are speaking the truth馃榾] - The pasuk Chazal use to teach the 讗讬住讜专 of listening to music is 讗诇 转砖诪讞 讬砖专讗诇 讗诇 讙讬诇 讻注诪讬诐 - Rejoice not, O Israel, unto exultation, like the nations [Hoshea 9-1]. If you watch the contemporary rock concerts for the frum community you will notice that they are almost exact replicas of rock concerts for Gentiles: The smoke, the lights, the shrieking etc. etc. Not to mention the actual music which besides the words are the same sounds as secular music. This doesn't "always" bring out the holier part of man. 讜讚"诇.
The singers are treated with the same hero worship as secular rock stars. Since when does Yahuadus hold that a 讘注诇 诪谞讙谉 is on a higher level than a Talmid Chochom. But in today's world it is not even close.
I saw a clip [which I think he himself posted!!!] from one of the most popular black-kippah-tzitzis-out-bearded singers and he was doing a show with mixed dancing. Mamesh. It was in a gym and he was right next to the kids who were dancing like crazy [so one can't say that he didn't know what was going on]. No mechitza. Boys and girls [teenagers] going wild. They weren't actually touching but it was mixed dancing.
What happened? How can this be???? 讗诇 转砖诪讞 讬砖专讗诇 讗诇 讙讬诇 讻注诪讬诐!!! The Yerushalmi explains why after the collapse of the Sanhedrin, it was forbidden to play music:
讗ָ诪ַ专 专ַ讘 讞ִ住ְ讚ָּ讗. 讘ָּ专ִ讗砖ׁ讜ֹ谞ָ讛 讛ָֽ讬ְ转ָ讛 讗ֵ讬诪ַ转 住ַ谞ְ讛ֶ讚ְ专ִ讬谉 注ֲ诇ֵ讬讛ֶ谉 讜ְ诇ֹ讗 讛ָ讬讜ּ 讗讜ֹ诪ְ专ִ讬诐 讚ִּ讘ְ专ֵ讬 谞ְ讘ָ诇ָ讛 讘ְ砖ִׁ讬专. 讗ֲ讘ָ诇 讗ַ讻ְ砖ָׁ讬讜 砖ֶׁ讗ֶ讬谉 讗ֵ讬诪ַ转 住ַ谞ְ讛ֶ讚ְ专ִ讬谉 注ֲ诇ֵ讬讛ֶ谉 讛ֵ谉 讗讜ֹ诪ְ专ִ讬诐 讚ִּ讘ְ专ֵ讬 谞ְ讘ָ诇ָ讛 讘ְ砖ִׁ讬专.
Rav Chisda said, in earlier times the fear of the court was on them and they did not include lewd language in song. But now when the fear of the court is no longer on them they include lewd language in song.
WOW! That explains it! There is no fear of any rabbinic authority. So people can do whatever they feel like. And if a rabbi says something - then he gets blasted and debased all over social media.
Baruch Hashem we don't have to be part of that culture. We can be among those who DO care what the Torah and those who transmit Torah have to say!!!
"KEDOSHIM TIHIYU" beloved friends!!!!
讜讛诪讘讬谉 讬讘讬谉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!