Saturday, September 3, 2011

פגם הברית

עיקר תיקון פגם הברית הוא קידוש הרצון והארתו הברורה, עד שהרצון היותר חזק מצד הטבע הגופני, שיש לו שורש בקדושה חזק מאד, מפני הופעת החיים שבו, שהוא הרצון של נטיית מין, אור הקדושה שופע בו כ"כ, עד שהצד הקדוש שבו הוא הרודה בחיים, וממשיך את פעולתו והופעתו, והצד של חול, וק"ו של הטומאה שבו, הוא בטל לגמרי לצד הקודש. ואז באמת לא יקרב נגע לאהלו, ונעשה צדיק משומר מכל מוקש. וכשהרצון עולה במדרגה עליונה של קודש כזאת, אז הוא מתברר גם מכל מדות רעות ומכל המעשים רעים שבעולם, אפילו מהדברים היותר קלים, שאדם דש בהם בעקביו.

שמונה קבצים - קובץ א שנו

A free translation -

The primary rectification of the blemish in one's sexual purity פגם הברית is sanctifying the will and luminating it with pure clarity, to the extent that the strongest physical desire, that has a very strong root in holiness, because of the fact that it creates life, i.e. the sexual urge, the light of holiness flows within it, to the point that the holy aspect is dominant and the non-holy aspect is nullified. Then no spiritual harm will befall the person and he becomes a complete tzaddik guarded from any failings. When the will reaches such a level, it is purified from all bad middos, even from seemingly insignificant sins that people tend to disregard.

Simply stated [if I am reading it right - and stating it simply], the secret of purifying one's sexual urge is to become completely suffused with the notion the the purpose of this urge is to CREATE NEW LIFE AND BRING MORE HOLINESS TO THE WORLD. For the rest of society this urge is meant [according to their errant perspective] to be fulfilled and enjoyed for the sake of enjoyment. We categorically reject any such attitude. The sexual urge is very potent and must be used to elevate oneself spiritually. If one is successful in directing his desires towards more lofty goals, he will thereby purify ALL of his bad middos. The yesod, the foundation, is in his strongest urge and if rectified everything else will follow along. If one fails then oy vi'avoy! There is nothing worse. If one succeeds then there is nothing better.


RABOSSSAAAIIIIIII, there is no better time than NOW to fix the pgam habris. Who can say he is completely pure in this area? I know who!

Dead people!

Just about everybody else needs to make a tikkun. This, says the great Kohen Gadol, Rebbe Tzadok of Lublin [whose yahrztiet is this week, tes elul] is the biggest test before the coming of moshiach.

Pgam Habris bigimatria Internet [if it doesn't work out - it should].