Monday, May 28, 2012

רעוא דרעווין

Everybody knows that seuda shlishit on shabbos is a very special spiritual time. In Kabala it's called רעוא דרעווין - The will of wills. What does this MEAN?

On our very simple level: The day of shabbos gets progressively more holy until it reaches it's peak late in the afternoon. At that point it goes beyond the point where Hashem loves us for any logical reason. He loves us because he loves us. אין טעם לרצון - There is no logical reason for pure will, He just wants because he does.

Of course this creates a counter reaction within us, that we love Hashem "just because". No reason. Why do you like vanilla and not strawberry? Why do you like light blue more than dark brown? You just do. That is רצון למעלה מטעם ודעת - A will that goes beyond rational logic. להבדיל - At this time of seuda shlishit, we have the capacity to love Hashem ברצון שלמעלה טעם ודעת, regardless of our spiritual level.

May we be zocheh to feel that mutual love:-).

שם משמואל יתרו תרע"א