Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cleansing Yourself Of Bad Habits

When the Cherkassa Rebbe, the son of the Maggid of Chernobol, married the daughter of the Mittler Rebbe, Reb Shalom Dov Ber of Lubavitch, the father of the chosson honored the first Lubavitcher Rebbe the Baal HaTanya to say a Dvar Torah in front of the thousands of people who attended the wedding.

He proceeded to deliver a lengthy, deep, profound, intense maamar of Chassidus [if you want to know what that means read the sefer Likkutei Torah] . The crowd was gripped with tremendous fear of Hashem,

Afterwards it was the Maggid of Chernobol's turn. He quoted the pasuk "יקח נא מעט מים" - take a little water and explained that "water" is alluding to Torah and Torah should be brief. מעט. Continued the Maggid with the next words in the pasuk "ורחצו רגלים" and explained that the most important thing is to wash away all of one's bad הרגלים [habits].

When the Rebbe Shlita told this story to his Rebbe the Beis Yisrael [the Gerrer Rebbe ztz"l] he became very excited and said. ביי אונז האט מען אויכעט געזאגט דאס אייגענע - we also say the same thing. The most important thing is not what you say but how you live your life and overcome bad habits. 

[Heard from the Rebbe Shlita]

May we be zoichehhhhhhh!!!!

שבוע טוב!!:-)