Sunday, July 5, 2015


A letter to the editor in a well known Jewish publication from אבי מורי שליט"א. Well said!


The French foreign minister had the gall to fly to Israel to impose a Franco/UN solution on the Palestinian- Israeli conflict (“Fabius offers new approach to Israeli-Palestinian talks,” June 22).

Has Laurent Fabius forgotten the Vel’ d’Hiv roundup of July 16/17, 1942, when 12,531 Jews were sent from this Paris stadium to a transit camp, starved and humiliated beyond imagination, and subsequently forced to board cattle cars, with the final destination Auschwitz? The only euphemism I can now conjure is the French designation collaborateur.

Monsieur Fabius would do better to muster forces to contain the radical Muslims now running amok through the streets of France, destroying the legacies of Voltaire, Musset and Hugo.

JULES EHRMAN, Jerusalem/Antwerp