Tonight I attended the wedding of the Chaim Eisenberg, the son of my beloved friend [of over 40 years!] R' Michael Eisenberg. At the wedding, my beloved friend R' JJ Sussman shared with me this recent, touching picture of two Rav Dovid's - Rav Dovid Kaminetsky and my brother Rav Dovid Ehrman [who was a student at MDS when Rabbi Kaminetsky was principal] at a wedding [made by my beloved friend R' Tzvi Yosef Hellerstein]. It is the last picture he has of Rabbi K.
יהי זכרו ברוך!!!
This is an advertisement for MDS. If you live on the West Side and are debating where to send your children - just think that if you send them to MDS, one day they might look like my brother