Monday, February 18, 2019

Is Trump An Anti Semite? Am I?

Some argue that he is because he publicly perpetuates stereotypes of the Jews such as the fact that we are good deal makers and that we use our money to further our agendas and achieve our needs.

I am no Anti Semite. [Some of my BEST FRIENDS ARE JEWS!!:-)] But I ALSO think that Jews are good deal makers and wisely use their money to further their goals. What's wrong with that? Many of us also have big noses. If Trump would say that he would be SCORCHED!!! But I am saying it:-). Big deal.

People just have nothing better to do with their time than attack the man they hate. 

In his heart of hearts is he an Anti Semite? Maybe. Maybe not. BUT WHO CARES??!! All that matters is that he has been arguably the most Pro-Israel President with the strongest Pro-Israel group of advisers with the frummest son-in-law and most Jewish daughter and grandchildren of any President in history.    

In his heart of hearts he wants to be in bed with beautiful women, he wants almost limitless power, money and adulation. In his heart of hearts he doubtlessly hates various people.
WHO CARES what he feels deep down inside. What matters to us is what he DOES.

I homiletically invoke the pasuk הנסתרות לה' אלקינו והנגלות לנו ולבנינו עד עולם what is hidden is for Hashem to judge but what concerns us is how one ACTS. 

So let us have hakaras hatov to him [despite his many personality defects] and to li-havdil Hashem that things are so good for us.