Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Contemporary Megilla - Part 4

At the end of the previous chapter, we saw that Haman sent out a proclamation to all the lands in the kingdom outlining his plan. The New York Times reported that Haman is "trying to bring peace to the region" and is a "freedom fighter". Distressed, the Jews sought a court-issued injunction to stop Haman from sending it. But Haman was defended by the head of the Persian Civil Liberties Union, who ironically was also Jewish, and who claimed that the injunction would violate Haman's right to free speech. And the injunction was not issued, so the proclamation was sent. 

Agudas Yisrael Of America tried to use it's connections in the White House to stop it but to no avail. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez lauded Haman for his "courage". Ilhan Omar tweeted "we thank Allah for Haman who will weed out the cancer that is the Jewish people. Itbach Al Yahud!!"

Omar then denied that she was Anti-Semitic. She said that what she meant was that "Al Yahud" - all Jews, should go to the "mitbach" which means kitchen in Hebrew. She just wants the Jews to have a satisfying meal before Haman has them slaughtered. Haman, she insisted has the right to exterminate the Jews because they deserve it for having found a cure for cancer and keeping it a secret among themselves. When asked how so many Jews are still sick with cancer if they have the cure, she responded "you would not have asked me that question if I were not Muslim".   

In the meantime, Cortez was arrested for having 3 long names, one Greek [Alexandria] and two Spanish. It is confusing and annoying. The judge then reprimanded her for wearing such bright red lipstick to court. She defended herself by saying that she is descended from Marranos and that her family has a tradition to wear a lot of makeup to cover up their true identity. 

Allah was unavailable for comment.