Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Limits Of Hermeneutics

This post is a quote from the holy Ishbitzer. After he wrote it there was a tremendous tumult in the Torah world. Many were very unhappy [you can understand why!]. 

When Rav Shmuel Moholover [a great Zionist Rov who somehow has a street named after him in Bnei Brak. But then again - so does Rav Kook] heard this idea he said that he now understands the Rashi on the pasuk where Yaakov Avinu said "בסודם אל תבוא נפשי" - literally "in their [Shimon and Levi] secret let my soul not come". Rashi comments  "זה מעשה זמרי". Said Rav Shmuel that one day someone is going to come and say that according to סוד, Zimri [descended from Shimon] is not really a sinner. Yaakov Avinu said about this notion that this סוד is not for me. I will stick with pshat and say that he IS a sinner. 

This really brings us to the question of HOW FAR one is allowed to go in understanding our holy texts. The Ishbitzer has many amazing teachings but many argued that with this one he went too far. I am not qualified to decide. But I will say that if one ever hears an explanation of the Acharonim that doesn't feel right - one is not obligated to accept it as true. One IS obligated to have respect for the person who said it though....