Sunday, February 24, 2019

Jews Aren't Nazis - Nazis Are Nazis

On this note

A rabbi from Rechavia recently compared a right wing political party to Nazis. Not Chamas [the group of Arab terrorist - not the food people eat with their felafel] who has in their charter to wipe us off the face of the planet. He didn't call them Nazis. Just a group of Jews, many of whom are shomrei Shabbos, daven three times a day, learn Torah, do chesed etc. etc. and also believe that our sworn enemies shouldn't be allowed to live here. THEY are the true Nazis, according to this rabbi [whose father was a survivor].   

This party doesn't say that the Arabs should be systematically tortured and then gassed to death. Just that they should skip town and move to one of the 20 plus Arab countries.  You can agree, you can disagree. But to call them Nazis is going much to far. Why don't we leave the title Nazis for those who deserve it - the Nazis. 

I am not going to vote for this party. I only vote for people running against Bernie Sanders who helped the Nazis by marrying a non-Jew, thus ensuring no Jewish continuity. Thanks Bernie-Socialist-Comrade. I hope you do teshuva before you die....