Sunday, February 24, 2019

My Internet Problem - To Say Or Not To Say

My name is Allan [at least it was for the first seven days of my life... and my "Uncle Sam" thinks that it still is] and I have an Internet problem.

There is a woman on the Internet whose articles are very widely read. She calls herself a Rebbetzin [because her husband is a rabbi]. She also consistently attacks Torah and Torah Jews. So my problem is - should I protest or just ignore her. THAT is my Internet problem. 

On one hand I can't take her chutzpah and irreverence. The notion that she and only she is the arbiter of right and wrong, moral and immoral, permitted and forbidden when her training is not as a student of Rav Yisroel Salanter or the Ramchal or even li-havdil Plato or Aristotle. No. She is trained as a journalist. That's it. So by golly - who retired and made her god and supreme judge as she sits in judgment. Of course, the secular [and many religious unfortunately] eat up her poisonous rhetoric. Look, Orthodox and so ANTI! A YUNTIV!!! But for me it is painful to read such negative and angry prose. EXCEPT, when a secular writer, the symbol of Israeli secularism recently croaked  died. Then she positively GUSHED all over him. He is one of her heroes. No rabbi would get such positive reviews [not that I have read everything she has written but generally rabbis only get scorned]. 

On the other hand - my purpose is to spread light and love. So I don't enjoy my more zealous posts when I protest injustice. 

Should I say something or not? THAT is the question.

This time I will. She recently attacked a group of Chabad rabbis who wrote a letter to the various Chabad websites instructing them to stop writing lashon hara and flaming the fires of machlokes. They also implored the websites to observe higher levels of tzniyus [as they understand it] and to avoid linking non-Torah sites. 

The Rebbetzin doesn't like it. She believes that journalism includes writing lashon hara when necessary, showing all types of pictures modest or not [or she believes that only she knows what true tzniyus is and the rabbis haven't a clue] and presenting all types of views, even pure heresy. So she acrimoniously attacked the rabbis. They don't understand what is right and wrong. Only she does. 

So I pray she stop and use her talents to promote positivity and spirituality.