Thursday, February 28, 2019

No Jew Wants War

I don't want to be overly harsh but this is very painful. This coming week, the daughter of R' Ari Fuld Hy"d is getting married. Would he be willing to get up at a sheva brachos and explain to the kallah and assembled guests that if the Israelis would only agree to territorial compromise then the peace loving Arabs would stop killing us and it is only [or partially] because of militant gun toting Kach-like people such as R' Ari Fuld that we have so many problems in our region.

The reality of course is that R' Ari and every Jewish political party, even as right wing as they get, would like [or in R' Ari's case - have liked] NOTHING MORE than to beat our swords into plowshares, as the Navi promises will happen in the future and war and aggression will be a thing of the past. 

The disagreement between the various parties is how to best deal in the meantime when our enemies don't share our vision.