Thursday, March 7, 2019

Really Bad Sports Jokes I Made Up

Chazal tell us that Moshe built and dismantled the mishkan numerous times. 

What happened when Mickey Mantle died? 

He was dismantled. 

What do Yankee Stadium [of blessed memory] and Malchus Beis Dovid have in common? 

They are both the "House That Ruth Built".

When is baseball mentioned in Megillas Esther? 

Mordechai says to Esther "אל תדמי בנפשך להמלט וכו' אם החרש תחרישי בעת הזאת"? Don't think you can hide. STEP UP TO THE PLATE!!! 

Where is tennis mentioned in Parshas Shmos? 

Moshe served in Paroh's court. [This one I remember reading in a joke book when I was a LITTLE LITTLE boychikel]. 

Let this post be a kapparah....