Sunday, January 19, 2020

Boys Will Be Boys

Paroh decreed that all Jewish boys were to be killed. So Amram divorced his wife figuring that that if he can't have a baby boy it wasn't worth it being married. 

At which point Miriam intervened and said "I didn't know that you were Sefardi".  

[Medrash Bidichusa]

A Sefardi line: "I don't care if it is a boy or a girl as long as there is a Brit". 


An English woman gave birth to two twin Brits. A week later they had two Brits. 


When a Talmid from the UK excels it is pure Britishe Nachas. 


All this talk of Prince Harry reminds me of when his mother tragically passed on. I finally understood why she was always referred to as "Lady Di [Dy? Dye? Die?]".