Monday, May 25, 2020

"But Look At How The Goyim Are Crowding The Beaches!"

One of the defenses against frum people who flout the rules of "social distancing" is to point out how many non-frum people and non-Jews also don't follow the guidelines. 

That is like saying that we don't have to say Krias Shema twice a day because non-frum people and  Goyim don't...

To guard one's health is a religious obligation. Who CARES what everyone else is doing?!! 

What we need is a sefer ala the "Mishna Berurah" in Rashi script written by a Rav in conjuction with doctors, codifying healthful behavior and outlawing the opposite. Maybe if people see it in such a format it will convince them. [Such a booklet was written years back by a close talmid of Rav Shach but it doesn't get enough attention].