Tuesday, November 22, 2022

ולאסתכולי מי שרי???

The debate about women in the public domain almost never refers to the actual Torah sources that discuss it. It is predicated on people's feelings and modern non-Torah, anti-Kedusha perspectives. Here is ONE source that is worth considering.  [Note - I am not suggesting that women be locked up in their homes חס ושלום. I AM suggesting that we gain an appreciation of Kedusha. What the practical considerations are is for people much greater than myself to decide]. 

קרן זוית הואי:  

The Gemara answers: Rabban Gamliel did not intentionally look at the woman; rather, he was walking around a corner and he saw her unexpectedly as they each turned. [Avoda Zara 20a]

The Gemara says "ולאיסתכולי מי שרי??????????????" Is a man allowed to gaze upon a woman?? [Note - There is a difference in Halacha between a cursory glance and gazing. Critical distinction].

In today's woke-progressive society the answer is "what is the problem?? Are you suggesting that we 'cancel' or 'erase' women???"

The answer of the Gemara is that INDEED, one may not gaze. The reason is that we strive for קדושה and gazing upon a woman doesn't jive with קדושה. When Rabban Gamliel looked it was unintentional. So how can one gaze intentionally??? 

Just saying.