Anyone interested on an interesting eyewitness account of Rav Soloveitchik on Yom Ha-atzmaut and his views on aliyah in general can read here. Fascinating.
Anyone who wants to read 9 different answers to a BOMB KASHA of the Shaar Hamelech can read here.
At the end I presented a kasha of the Rebbe Shlita. The gemara says that a blind person is חשוב כמת. The gemara also says that חרשו נותן לו דמי כולו even though it doesn't say that a חרש is חשוב כמת. Why then does one who blinds his friend [ר"ל] not pay דמי כולו - it is like killing him?? Why is the payment for a חרש greater??
Anybody with a good terutz should be blessed and I will kiss your forehead when I see you bl"n and take your כלים to the בית המרחץ [see עירובין כז,ב].