Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jewish Time - New Thoughts - Link

It is hard to teach people new things, as the famous expression goes - "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". Everything people hear is understood through the prism of what they already know and understand. Every new idea is immediately subject to all of the biases that people hold so strongly. If you know someone well and are a perceptive person then you can already predict what they will think and say about any new topic. 

The Mishna tells us that a wise person is one who learns from others. This means that he is willing to step outside of his preconceived notions and absorb new information and a new way of looking at things. 

The Torah starts with Bereishis Bara Elokim which means that Hashem created time. The beginning is the beginning of time. Rashi says that the Torah should have started with החודש הזה לכם which is JEWISH time. Jewish time is not just something that just goes and goes [like universal time] but an entity with a purpose. Our mitzva to sanctify months creates holidays - מועדים - which comes from the word יעד - destination, goal. All of our time is intended to help us reach a goal - the period after this life when things will be completely different. Gentile time is based on the sun that never changes. Jewish time is based on the moon which constantly waxes and wanes. 

Everyone wants to have a successful marriage. Part of the secret is stepping out of  both your own preconceived notions of what should be and your own personal narrative and comprehending someone elses perspective and feelings. That is a magical quality. If you can develop and cultivate it then you will have a much happier union. The same goes with raising children.

When Moshiach comes we are going to see the world and reality in a completely new way. It isn't that there will be new truths on earth but that the very same reality that we perceived in one way during pre-messianic times, will now be seen in a completely new light. 

The same applies to our death. Right now things appear one way but when we get "there", they will appear completely different. As the gemara relates: Yosef the son of R' Yehoshua had an "NDE" [near death experience] after which he said that what appears one way here is the opposite up there. עולם הפוך ראיתי.

The pasuk says אין כל חדש תחת השמש - there is nothing new under the sun. In this world we see the same patterns repeated again and again. The same things you read about in today's newspaper you read about in the newspaper ten years ago. That is beneath the sun. But ABOVE the sun, in the world of ruchniyus, there is always something new. 

If we live in that world our lives will be that much more rewarding.   

[Based in part on things I heard]

If you want to hear more in Lashon Hakodesh - listen here. Pil-eiiiiiiii Pla-osssssssssssss.