Monday, January 22, 2018

The Correct Way To Do Teshuva

לזכות הרב מרדכי גימפל בן חיה אביגיל שהקב"ה יוציא אותו מאפילה לאור גדול!!

Sometimes a person does aveiros and wants to do teshuva. The problem is that there is a danger that he might throw away  the baby with the bathwater [even though I don't know how the baby is going  to fit into that little hole where the water drains away]. Meaning, he might stop even doing GOOD THINGS and mitzvos that he has been doing. He decides that he does want to do anything wrong so he won't do anything. He doesn't want to talk in shul so he stops going to shul. He doesn't want to look at women so he stops going to smachos etc. etc. 

The healthy way is to define what is good and what is bad and separate the wheat from the chaff, so too speak, and cease and desist only from his faulty behavior but not from all of the good he has been doing.  

Not only that but there is a deeper nekudah. Sometimes we do aveiros but there is a kernel of good and holy EVEN in our aveiros.

One classic example is called in Chasidus "אהבה נפולה" - fallen love. Love is the BEST. The tachlis habriyah. We are here to love and to be loved. But sometimes this love expresses itself in inappropriate ways, between man and woman, between parents and children etc. etc. So we must preserve the love and find healthy and holy outlets for its expression. When we find the good in the bad we essentially transform the bad into good and all of our aveiros turn into mitzvos!!! 

 כשעוסקים בתשובה צריכים להגדיר ביותר את מהותם של הטוב והרע, כדי שהחרטה וזעזוע הרצון, מחיוב לשלילה, יפלו רק על הרע ולא על הטוב. ועוד יותר, שצריך לברר את הטוב הנמצא בעומק הרע ולחזק אותו - באותו הכח עצמו שבורחים מן הרע, כדי שתהיה התשובה כח פועל לטובה, המהפכת ממש את כל הזדונות לזכיות.