Monday, January 29, 2018


Sarah Netanyahu, in a moment of extreme anxiety, screams hysterically. Someone records this and now they are playing it all over the media. It is horrific how they abuse public figures in order to get ratings. Poor Sarah.

As the editor of Hebrew Mishpacha Magazine, Aryeh Ehrlich put it:
אלו לא העצבים של שרה, לא הבעיות של ביבי, לא המוסר של היועץ המדליף. אלו אנחנו - שהופכים בהדרגה לחברה קניבלית, צמאה לדם הזולת, בוחשים בחולשותיו, נהנים בהלבנת פניו ומתענגים על קלקלתו. מה נשאיר לילדינו?!

For halachic Jews and anyone with a sense of morality their actions are unconscionable. 

On that note - The international and US media have been closely focusing and speculating on the possible marital discord between the President and his wife. Also disgusting.

A new, yet age old concept for our days: "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!".