Sunday, March 24, 2019


In one of the frum publications they featured a number of sidebars with people relating anecdotes of Anti-Semitic incidents that they had experienced. 

Let me offer some perspective: Every day there are MILLIONS of interactions between Jews and non-Jew in the United States. Of those, a tiny fraction of one percent may involve Anti-Semitism. That means that 99.9999 percent plus of our interactions - are NOT Anti-Semitic. A few random anecdotes reflect the exception and not the rule.  

That doesn't mean that things cannot or will not change. It just means that for now things are VERY GOOD for us.   

In all of the years I have lived and visited there and countless thousands of interactions with non-Jews, I experienced about ZERO Anti-Semitism. 

Except for one incident. We played basketball against another team and the ref told us to remove our yarmulkes because the BOBBY PINS posed a danger to the other team because they might poke their eyes out. Besides that - all of the Anti-Jewish sentiments I heard came from the mouths of Jews.... By the way - we lost the game. Ostensibly because we didn't have our bobby pins to poke their eyes out and with their eyes in their sockets they were a far better team. For the record - they put a box and one on me [meaning a zone for four players and one guy following me]. The guy guarding me was far my superior and made me look BADDD. It should be a kappara.