Friday, March 29, 2019

Korban Pesach For A Mumar And Goy

לזכות ידיד נפשי הרב הגאון רבי אליעזר זאב בן דבורה לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיו ולכל משפחתו 

לזכות רפואת רבי דוד העניך מרדכי בן פרידה שמחה בתוך שח"י 

המאכיל כזית מן הפסח בין מפסח שני למומר לע"ז או לגר תושב או לשכיר הרי זה עובר בלא תעשה ואינו לוקה אבל מכין אותו מכת מרדות. ובן נכר האמור בתורה זה העובד אל נכר. ואין מאכילין ממנו לנכרי אפילו גר תושב או שכיר שנאמר תושב ושכיר לא יאכל בו: [קרבן פסח ט' ז']

One who gives an olive-sized portion of a Paschal sacrifice - whether the first Paschal sacrifice or the second - to an apostate who worships false deities, to a resident alien, or a gentile worker, violates a negative commandment,but is not liable for lashes. He is, however, liable for lashes for rebellious conduct. The term "foreigner" mentioned in the Torah refers to one who worships alien deities. One may not give a portion of the Paschal sacrifice to a gentile, even a resident alien or a worker, as Exodus 12:45 states: "Neither a resident, nor an alien should partake of it." [Rambam Korban Pesach 9-7]

How does the Rambam know that the pasuk forbids us the Jews to FEED the Korban Pesach to the Mumar or Goy when the pasuk states that they themselves are not allowed to eat? The Kesef Mishna explains that the Goy won't listen to the Torah so the pasuk must be referring to the Jew. But that is a wonder because they must listen to the Torah and keep the 7 mitzvos so how is this different?? And what about a Mumar? He is a Jew who has to keep the Torah so the explanation of the Kesef Mishna doesn't seem to hold water 

And why would the pasuk say that they must not eat if the איסור is to feed them? 

Why is there no Malkus?? 

And why does the Rambam have to tell us that this law applies to the Pesach Sheni, too? Does the Pesach Sheni have less Kedusha than the Pesach Rishon? It is PASHUT that the law is the same?!

The Rambam seems to mention twice, both at the beginning and the end of the halacha, that we make not give a portion of the Korban Pesach to the Gentile. Why  the repetition? At the beginning he says the shiur [כזית] and at the end he does not.  

What is going on here??