ערל שאכל כזית מבשר הפסח לוקה שנאמר כל ערל לא יאכל בו בו הוא שאינו אוכל אבל אוכל הוא מצה ומרור וכן מותר להאכיל מצה ומרור לגר תושב ולשכיר {קרבן פסח ט' ח']
An uncircumcised person who ate an olive-sized portion of the Paschal sacrifice is liable for lashes, as it states: "No uncircumcised person shall partake of it." That verse can also be interpreted as meaning: He may not partake "of it"; he may, however, partake of matzah and bitter herbs. Similarly, it is permitted to feed matzah and bitter herbs to a resident alien, or a gentile worker. [Rambam Korban Pesach 9-8].
Why does the Rambam have to tell us that an ערל and a גוי may eat matza? Does matza have kedusha??